Title rated 4.25 out of 5 stars, based on 46 ratings(46 ratings)
Book, 2017
Current format, Book, 2017, , All copies in use.Book, 2017
Current format, Book, 2017, , All copies in use. Offered in 0 more formatsWHEREAS confronts the coercive language of the United States government in its responses, treaties, and apologies to Native American peoples and tribes, and reflects that language in its officiousness and duplicity back on its perpetrators. Through a virtuosic array of short lyrics, prose poems, longer narrative sequences, resolutions, and disclaimers, Layli Long Soldier has created a brilliantly innovative text to examine histories, landscapes, her own writing, and her predicament inside national affiliations. "ة ف،ٍ" sوم ىْمts, "ف كىىt"م َنُ وtم صىَمtل سفtمts فلَ ف َممٌٌَُْل مٍقٍم ْنُ وtم دهفٌفٌ سىُx شىْقم، مٍفىَهَ ة ف ٍف كىىt"م َنُ وtم دهفٌفٌ جففًُt خفىt--فَُلَ ى َوtىs لف ٌكىىt"مsَوى ِة ٍs t،ًُْ ة ٍs tمف،t ة ٍs tف،ْt ة ٍs tوٍُtم،ْ ة ٍs tنىْملَ، ة ٍs tىٌsمt،َ ة ٍs tقُsمْم، كsَُفt"3lt Im s tlie." شوىs sىtْلم،َt فٌِىىَtم ق ًُُىلَtُْكمs ف فٍي ُْمَىُكم ى َكمَُtفٍُِْ"3 lietratre. -- ذُْىلمل ق" 3blishe.3.
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- Minneapolis, Minnesota : Graywolf Press, [2017], ©2017
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